Lev Bishop
2009-08-07 06:24:31 UTC
The \textasteriskcentered is not actually centered. This is a problem
because when you use it as a footnote symbol it gets superscripted
again, ending up with a very small footnote symbol. This happens for
example if you \usepackage{fixltx2e}.
Also, on the topic of asterisks, is there any chance to get
six-pointed asterisks added to MnSymbol? Maybe with a package option
to choose those instead. I personally find the 5-pointed version quite
ugly (it's the only symbol I've used from MinionPro / MnSymbol that I
really wanted to replace -- everything else is quite tasteful). I have
a problem with 5-pointed asterisks in general (they seem too
lightweight somehow) and the Minion ones are especially ugly (to my
mind) because they're not even symmetrical, being slightly rotated to
the right. This applies to the MinionPro asterisk as well as the
MnSymbol $*$, $\oast$, $\bigoast$ etc.
Lev Bishop
because when you use it as a footnote symbol it gets superscripted
again, ending up with a very small footnote symbol. This happens for
example if you \usepackage{fixltx2e}.
Also, on the topic of asterisks, is there any chance to get
six-pointed asterisks added to MnSymbol? Maybe with a package option
to choose those instead. I personally find the 5-pointed version quite
ugly (it's the only symbol I've used from MinionPro / MnSymbol that I
really wanted to replace -- everything else is quite tasteful). I have
a problem with 5-pointed asterisks in general (they seem too
lightweight somehow) and the Minion ones are especially ugly (to my
mind) because they're not even symmetrical, being slightly rotated to
the right. This applies to the MinionPro asterisk as well as the
MnSymbol $*$, $\oast$, $\bigoast$ etc.
Lev Bishop